Joe Stiglitz comes forward with a set of sound arguments for the fact that prizes are much better than patents in medical research (and not only). Greg Mankiw wonders (and he’s got a big point there…) how to support those prizes other than via higher tax rates (I don’t think the competence of the prize committee is a problem…).
Category: business
“Ant scam” worth 3 billion yuan…and a death sentence
I don’t think anybody will start an ‘ant business’ in China any time soon. Not after this. Link via Tyler Cowen.
→ Read more Ernst & Young’s “Southeast Europe Attractiveness Survey 2007”
…places Romania first in the investors’ ranking. See here a summary of the SE investment “attractiveness survey” results, in English (or the same, in Romanian). I think a lot of attention should be devoted to the indicators where we lag behind (and this report should probably have emphasized those to start with, Romanians tend to read the first pages and skip the rest…).
→ Read more On Larry Page’s address at the AAAS Annual Meeting 2007 and more from that event
Excerpts from Larry Page’s address at the AAAS Annual Meeting of this year are in the third part of this recent Science podcast (in .mp3 format) from the 17th of February (his talk starts from around min 14 in the podcast).
→ Read more Quote for the week 17th-23rd Dec ’06
Business isn’t that complicated. A lot of people of average intelligence make a good living. Really smart people can accumulate a fortune if they are truly committed. Your problem is that you like to do interesting work.
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