→ Read moreSure, let those who have become rich under capitalism try to do good things for those who are still poor, as Mr. Gates has admirably chosen to do. But a New-Age blend of market incentives and feel-good recognition will not end poverty.
Category: business
Econlinks for 13-12-’07
An article by James Surowiecki on the subprime crisis and the “band-aid” Paulson (partial), J.P. Morgan-like, solution. This while Greenspan thinks the bubble should first break on its own (and certainly differs here from Martin Feldstein, who advocates for a fast, two-act intervention, see my previous post on that)
Here’s a very interesting post of Andrew Gelman (based on this co-authored article of his) on whether the Democrats should move, as an electoral strategy, more to the left on the economic policy axis.
O initiativa de laudat: Orizonturi Deschise
Gabriel Istrate posteaza pe Ad Astra despre noul program de burse pentru masterate si doctorate, in afara, Orizonturi Deschise, al Fundatiei Dinu Patriciu. Dincolo de faptul ca multi il suspecteaza pe Dinu Patriciu de fel de fel de nereguli si foul play– unde raman neutru, in lipsa oricaror date empirice care sa sustina conjecturile si speculatiile, dar aceasta discutie e in afara scopului acestui post– asemenea initiative sunt mai mult decat binevenite si de apreciat (si evident au de-a face si cu strategii de imagine si chiar strategii business 100%– daca realizam ca asemenea sponsorizari se pot deduce din taxe).
→ Read more Econlinks for 13-04-’07
An interesting editorial in the NYTimes by Hal Varian, on the fashion industry and its laissez-faire attitude inasmuch copyrights are concerned. With conclusions valid for other industries as well… Link via Greg Mankiw’s blog.
Econlinks for 09-04-’07
YouTube’s favourite clips: an interesting report on what are the de facto most popular clips and why Viacom (and others with similar interests) might have less leverage than they think they have