Reaching for the stars in Romania. Nice article on Ad Astra, Romanian science and education in general– and also nice brief profiling of Razvan Florian and Liviu Giosan, the Ad Astra “founding fathers”.
→ Read more Category: Ad Astra
Beware the Euronomics. Plus some further thoughts on the economics curricula in Romania and The Netherlands
Retain at least the conclusion of this excellent article (applying, unfortunately, well beyond just France and Germany, within EU or Europe in general), which draws attention to the enormous, though often neglected*, importance of (high) school economics education, with emphasis on the (very real) risks of learning absolute nonsense from state-sponsored economics courses.
→ Read more It is time for the current Minister of Education to go…
… and I’ll come back to the theme of the title soon (there are many reasons for the title, beyond what this short post will touch on), with an alternative, you’ve always got to have an alternative when you criticise… But meanwhile, if The Diplomat is right in this article (via Gabi Istrate, on Ad Astra), the MEdC signed itself up (in an apparent total ignorance, which is a proxy to a far more serious sin– and this is a real sin!–
→ Read more O initiativa de laudat: Orizonturi Deschise
Gabriel Istrate posteaza pe Ad Astra despre noul program de burse pentru masterate si doctorate, in afara, Orizonturi Deschise, al Fundatiei Dinu Patriciu. Dincolo de faptul ca multi il suspecteaza pe Dinu Patriciu de fel de fel de nereguli si foul play– unde raman neutru, in lipsa oricaror date empirice care sa sustina conjecturile si speculatiile, dar aceasta discutie e in afara scopului acestui post– asemenea initiative sunt mai mult decat binevenite si de apreciat (si evident au de-a face si cu strategii de imagine si chiar strategii business 100%– daca realizam ca asemenea sponsorizari se pot deduce din taxe).
→ Read more Topul universitatilor din Romania pe 2007. Si despre specializarea UBB in religie (sau mai degraba, in JSRI)
Ad Astra a publicat ierarhia universitatilor din Romania in 2007 (bazata pe articolele indexate ISI in 2006). Razvan Florian da o serie de detalii, inclusiv link-uri catre preluari mass media, aici. → Read more