Preston McAfee brings a second noteworthy innovation to Economic Inquiry (I also blogged about the first one since he came as editor to that journal): “We now have a miscellany section.
Category: academia
Quote for week 30th of Sep- 6th of Oct ’07
Econlinks for 19-09-07
Ian Ayres’s prediction tools online. Although predicting things like how long your marriage would last or how long you’ll live might also catch the interest of some, my favourite by far is predicting the value of Bordeaux.
Econlinks for 14-08-’07
Ken Rogoff says that we might be “better red than dead” in the long run. I doubt most Central-Eastern Europeans would feel any close to comfortable with that. And that despite that the Vikings (the present-day ones) are rather reddish and pretty well still.
Econlinks for 30-07-’07
reasons not to be a lazy (…lousy) editor– from Steven Levitt’s (JPE editor) experiences
Hill against Bill, on globalization. Not difficult to guess whom I prefer (yes, he still made perfect sense when addressing globalization in this recent speech I’ve attended, hence I think that the “marital disorder” in that couple is permanent)… In fact that is old news by now, since lately all the prominent Dems are really having a race to the bottom in terms of basic economics know-how.