Eterna è la strada che va

I’ve been a fan of “Banco del Mutuo Soccorso” (wiki, official) for an indefinite number of years now. I hold for instance the view that their first three early ’70s albums — which I listen to frequently, on my iPod, e.g. while travelling from Chicago to Evanston and back–, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, Darwin!, and respectively Io sono nato libero, are composed almost entirely of genius works, surprisingly underrated and little known outside intelligentsia circles (even in Italy). It is pretty hard to pin B.M.S.’s style down, or relate it to any other band’s, since they combine uniquely various musical genres, rock, jazz, classical, all that plus the so Italian cantautore sort, in masterpieces that ought to rival in status and fame Pink Floyd’s brightest creations.
Anyway, here is my number 1 choice: enjoy the superlative Il giardino del mago (very decent quality YouTube clip), from their first album– with today’s runner-up being Canto nomade per un prigionero politico, the major piece from Io sono nato libero.
Check out also my earlier blog incursions into the territory of Italian good music, here, here, and here. More will follow.

5 thoughts on “Eterna è la strada che va”

  1. Nu asta e neaparat esenta– dar buna observatie :-)–, insa intr-adevar intra foarte bine in piesa, anuntand o noua sectiune, sa zic asa. Sunt de altfel mai multe schimbari complete de ritm in piesa, un fel de 'structural breaks' daca vrei, cu un leitmotiv care le uneste. Creativitate muzicala la propriu.

  2. lapsus calami<br />a. &quot;multora DIN piesele astea&quot; (in loc de ceea ce a aparut acolo.)<br />b. &quot;talent atat LA text&quot;<br />c. &quot;lipsIND&quot;<br />dar pricepi tu, oricum<br />:-)

  3. Giacomo (barbosul tau) scrie textul multora in piesele astea. Si are intr-adevar talent atat ca text cat si ca voce; dar ceea ce imi place la ei, in primul rand, e combinatia de genuri in partea instrumentala. A propos, ambele piese la care am dat link sunt pe YouTube mai scurte decat piesele originale de pe album, lipsand de exemplu un lung si superb instrumental intro la Il Giardino del Mago,

  4. Ce sa fac, te laud iara. Brava, maestre, mai vrem. Ce bine le cinta barbosu&#39; ! Nnicu

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