An old, but eternal, musical masterpiece to start the week, with a well-preserved Luigi Tenco live performance video clip from the 60’s. Lyrics.
Grazie, Elena– it is indeed high time I was reminded of Tenco’s superb voice and style.
PS. Luigi Tenco is yet another of my top five Italian cantautori (earlier, here and here).
Sempre Sebissimo! <br />V.
Let us say I give you credit on that, although I doubt you understand the lyrics whatsoever: if you want I can sing this over the phone for you, in English: surely it's gonna lose a lot, but you won't get sexier than that, today :-).
The music is also very sexy :)<br />Nico
The music, Nicole, the music– focus! :-).
Wow, Luigi must have been the sexiest man alive!