A WSJ article by Reinhart and Rogoff, on what past crises around the world might teach us for the current crisis. It really ain’t lookin’ that good… I have obviously attended Ken Rogoff’s presentation of this research at the recent ASSA in San Francisco.
Excellent point of Bill Easterly on the use of ‘trump cards’ instead of logic, common sense and evidence; it does apply way beyond the context here.
Super interesting Science overview on the origins of art and symbolism (individual or institution subscription to Science required)
Great US city match-maker. When one for European cities?
“Whatever you do, somebody in psychometrics already did it long before“, the longstanding principle in statistics. We love it!
Don’t know what’s going on with Posner, but this really is something I can only imagine someone trained in Economics write while drunk… I am referring obviously to his suggestion of regulating charitable giving abroad; this is not Economics anylonger… Caveat lector: Becker’s post on the same theme, on the other hand, is very sound; I really doubt Becker would support Posner’s suggestion above.