This erotic-stimuli-influencing-spending might be more serious than I thought (see my earlier short comment to Tyler Cowen’s erotics of investing– 2nd bullet point). Although the researchers admit that all their conclusions rely on the men faced with a decision to be taken in a second or so… Yeah, then it could be very true :-). Some idea for smart business managers?…
How to read a CV when the subject (considered for academic tenure) has about two top papers, but the second sort of refutes the first: interesting thoughts from Cowen on MR. Talking about that, here’s somebody famous in that situation; Levitt likes her too (so better refute then remain silent…). And if you passed that tenure-track stage, here are some benefits of being a full professor. Not that in Economics anybody thinks it’s a drama if you actually leave your department… or your profession altogether. Though, if you did stay for quite a while, you might want more incentives to publish high?…
The new Dutch Me Judice partnering with VoxEu. Geen slecht idee, hoor!
Investigating the root of biases and stereotypes (this is beyond scratching the surface and shifting all debate on political correctness: yes/no, as too often done nowadays). So far this is really not modelled thoroughly within Economics and much of this review of research within psychology is super interesting (though it is very mixed…). Here’s an interesting quote, just to give you an idea what this is about: “To what degree are our decisions swayed by implicit social biases? How do those implicit biases interact with our more deliberate choices? A growing body of work indicates that implicit attitudes do, in fact, contaminate our behavior. Reflexive actions and snap judgments may be especially vulnerable to implicit associations.” Link also to the 1st bullet point above.
The new business gurus: I agree with Gardner and Hamel in top 5, but Thomas Friedman should be a very passing fad…