Econlinks for 24-01-’08

  • Interesting thoughts on how to deal with plagiarism in the academe. Nevertheless, I think the power of the market is downplayed too much in this argument; the market has in fact been remarkably good at solving such issues. I don’t think that we deal with serious market inefficiencies in this context and hence, that external interventions are necessary.

4 thoughts on “Econlinks for 24-01-’08”

  1. Yep, I noticed that. Not bad, I’d say. Though "being based on an undergrad thesis" might still mean a lot of ex post changes. That is clear also looking to the final date of publication and the date of his undergrad thesis. Nothing unusual for a ReStud publication, if you think about it :-).

  2. There is a serious difference between this topic and what you’re hinting to. That being said, I still appreciate the comment. <BR/><BR/>But let’s figure it out. You are talking about spillovers from no copyrights and the like. Totally different and nothing to do with plagiarism as understood here, where something is attributed to somebody else rather than the original author. <BR/><BR/>Moreover,

  3. Hey! Maybe being highly aware of its happening and learning to deal with plagiarism is a useful skill, maybe that is why they stopped trying to punish and prevent it in the academia. They might think of it as of a usefull skill… worth cultivating!.<BR/><BR/>It would be funny to compare level of “intellectual theft” in different socio-economic classes (as they do happen in every single one of

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