Quote for week 7th-13th of October ’07

In order to cure most ills of human life, I require not that man should have the wings of the eagle, the swiftness of the stag, the force of the ox, the arms of the lion, the scales of the crocodile or rhinoceros; much less do I demand the sagacity of an angel or cherubim. I am contented to take an increase in one single power or faculty of his soul. Let him be endowed with a greater propensity to industry and labour; a more vigurous spring and activity of mind; a more constant bent to business and application.

David Hume


2 thoughts on “Quote for week 7th-13th of October ’07”

  1. sebi, pot să împrumut citatul pt. un blog de citate? (www.beszedtoredek.wordpress.com) blogul respectiv este pe limba maghiară (majoritate), dar am de gând să aplodez şi în limba engleză. şi poate şi în limba română.

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