[…] I must out of courtesy and caution reserve judgment on any laws that Professor Stigler may unveil. For, as I learned when our friendship began long ago, George Stigler can do anything– anything but be boring.
Des petits trous, des petits trous, toujours des petits trous…
I attended two excellent jazz events last week, jazz being one thing the Chicago music scene excels at (*).
The first was “Brazilian Nights” with Paulinho Garcia and some very talented NU jazz students, at the Regenstein Hall in the NU campus.
→ Read more Econlinks: On crises. And opportunities
- Crises and opportunities in Balkan science policy (start, more). A word of caution for my Romanian pals, among whom a new risk of self-denying optimism– expected to turn into the usual complacency– appears contagious: con calma, this is at best a mediocre start (though, granted, a start it is).
Take 5 in 2011
Let us start this new year with a legendary jazz piece: Paul Desmond’s “Take Five”; recall first the original instrumental version, superbly interpreted here by The Dave Brubeck Quartet, exactly 5 decades ago.
→ Read more Merry Christmas!
From me, Tony Bennett, Graham Chapman, and the rest of the crew. → Read more