Tough times for young economists

The Economist has also been at the ASSA-Atlanta (this year I’ve been busy with the more scientific, and less applied, section). Some other potential (academic) implications of the 20+ % less vacancies in ’09, compared to ’08 (and earlier):

  • the high time for places from Europe (in particular, Denmark and The Netherlands need to make the good moves right now…) to (seriously) tempt some (serious) top candidates (from both US and European prestigious schools).
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The hard road to Transylvania

4 hours inside a KLM/Malev plane that just wouldn’t take off at Schiphol (after 2 extra hours of waiting for the– eventually, wrong– plane to arrive); a (involuntary, for a change) night spent in beautiful but frozen Budapest (helped by the fact that my friend Balint was very inspired for the dinner suggestion; even the house white wine was very decent!–
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