What’s new

… or rather not entirely new- objectively speaking- but recent impressions from my part, so to say. This time about classical music, economic research and some new scientific highlights…

I ran into an excellent resource of classical music online that has, among other things, short informative biographies of many composers and- particularly- complete librettos for a few hundreds of the most famous world operas.

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Basescu: “Wellll, let’s don’t be pessimistic, when we have ALL conditions to be optimistic…”

Luiza Ilie scrie in cateva articole despre jurnalistii straini aparent veniti in Romania sa prezinte doar senzationalul, ceea ce e iesit din comun in sens negativ, ca imagini generalizate ale Romaniei, chiar atunci cand subiectul respectiv nu caracterizeaza decat o infima parte din populatie – sau e in mare de domeniul trecutului.
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Peter van Bergeijk to publicly “criticise” me (in Dutch)

Seemingly some Dutch economists in Holland – who don’t necessarily know me- are suddenly very concerned about my spending too much time on the internet (TRUE- but nothing to do about this, I have to be in touch with what happens in the world) and particularly about my apparently doing everything (read: putting too much effort and energy to the expense of my research time) to promote my website in the top most visited pages within the category “economie-nederland” on webstats4u (WRONG- the fact that webstats4u does not have a mechanism to block your own visits is nothing to blame on me- I decided nonetheless not to use my webpage as browser homepage anylonger, just to satisfy these criticisms and to show that I could not care less if I were in the top of the most visited economics pages in the Netherlands or not…).
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