YouTube on Ceausescu

In my opinion Google made an amazing deal by buying YouTube with only $ 1.65 bn ( now come to think of Mark Cuban, who claimed that “only a moron would buy YouTube”; btw, my feeling is that YouTube will have a completely different fate than Napster, although some accuse it already of infringement on copyright laws- and this was “the shadow of death” for Napster…).
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The US Library of Congress on Romania

To my shame (and my ultimate frustration) I have only found this excellent, objective, accesible, compact source on Romania very recently. My overall impression: this is the best snapshot on Romania’s historical, geographical, social, political, economic and military aspects I’ve ever run into, devoid of futile passions, gross incompetencies and other such features that plagued every single such study that I consulted before.
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Din categoria “Cum ajunge lumea pe blogul meu”

… luandu-ma aici dupa bunul meu prieten Dan. Desigur intrarile directe nu sunt prea interesante deci postez din keyword-urile folosite pe google si pe alte motoare de cautare online (le preiau ad literam):

traducere din the economist” (corect, asta chiar am facut la un moment dat, nu stiu daca am tradus vreo parte interesanta pentru clientul meu…)

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