Un nou episod din “Cum ajunge lumea pe blogul meu”
“Pareri despre Imagine a Romaniei din 1989 pana astazi-2006” (nu imi dau seama daca ai scris cu piciorul stang sau cu cel drept)
“gary becker irational” (economist de frunte la ASE- IP-ul corespunde- clar)
“europa intr-o economie mondiala bipolara” (si limba de lemn…)
“blog sebi” (sa vezi ca eu sunt primul pe lista…)
“Miyahee lyrics” (tipul asta din Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam- asa apare in web visit tracker-ul meu- e foarte insistent: man, this song is a piece of shit, capisci?-data → Read more
Trust me, I’m an Economist!
- here’s Tim giving answers to every single problem one might have
- Akerlof’s market for lemons in practice
- Don’t take advice from “experts”
Tyler Cohen’s post mentioned above, on long-distance relationships, is very interesting in itself and it links to other great advices by Tim Harford in his Dear Economist column from The Financial Times. → Read more
Blogging, fame and fortune
I single out two articles I’ve read recently about the new trend among bloggers and how blogging might evolve in an industry:
First an article from The Economist about “Blogging for a living”
An excerpt: