I’d very much like to believe I am no longer “fresh to opera”, but I still found Tyler Cowen’s post on how to get started with opera extremely informative. In fact, I regret not having had such a “guide” when I first got interested in opera.
→ Read more Comisie prezidentiala pentru analiza si elaborarea politicilor din domeniile educatiei si cercetarii
Din cand in cand mai auzim si vesti excelente legate de Romania si- chiar- de politica ei (citit astazi pe site-ul Ad-Astra). Cel putin la o prima vedere. Raman sceptic referitor la intentiile si abilitatile domnului Basescu (un scepticism diferit de cel al lui Octavian Paler insa, ar trebui sa se subinteleaga…), dar cu asemenea initiative creste mult in ochii mei.
→ Read more Economics and bikini waxing
I somehow overlooked last time (and so did Financial Times, apparently…) pointing out this excellent piece of advice from Tim Harford on… bikini waxing. Yet another proof that economics can also deal very well with more e(x,r)otic topics.
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Costi Rogozanu are un articol excelent, scurt si concis, despre ziaristii eroi si ziaristii…ziaristi. Vezi si cateva posturi din ultima perioada (si nu numai) ale lui Sorin pe pagini.com , despre ce e si ce nu e jurnalismul in Romania.
Deep Fritz is doing great…
…helped by luck.
Thanks to an incredible blunder of Wladimir Kramnik in the second game, Deep Fritz is leading after three games. Three more chances for Kramnik to take home the second half of the million $
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