While the preamble looked rather promising, the Chicago Michelin stars seem to have been awarded in a hurry (in fact: the results were already out yesterday, a day before expected) and the upshot is at best sloppy… Do not get me wrong, many places on this list were expected to be there.
→ Read more Chicago Michelin Preamble: The Bib Gourmands
The starred restaurants will be known only in two days, but meanwhile here is the Bib Gourmand list (via Fred, who’s actively tweeting lately): Michelin’s 46 Chicago places that will give you plenty of bang for your buck.
→ Read more Labour markets, between heaven and hell
→ Read more[…]heaven is where women and older people work like Swedes, the young work like the Dutch and the unemployed find jobs like the Danes. Hell is where workers get into unemployment like the Americans and out of it like the Italians.
Not that I want to brag or anything but… please check this out again and then go to the Nobel prize site to see who won this year’s Prize in Economics (by the way, last year I predicted Hart, Holmstrom and Williamson, hence I also got there one of the awardees– just in case you were wondering if I predict the same every single year).
→ Read more My 2010 Nobel Econ Prediction
Some names are recurrent in the betting pools, but– as usually– it does not appear that anybody has a very clear favourite for this year’s Economics Nobel, and that seems true even in terms of the Econ area(s) to be currently rewarded.
→ Read more