Here’s my most interesting read in the last weekend, a recent article by Dan Hamermesh, published in the Canadian Journal of Economics, on “replication in economics”. It is also downloadable as PDF from Hamermesh’s site (Dan Hamermesh’s website contains much more information, potentially useful for any economist, albeit junior or senior– that as a remark for those of you who did not know about this excellent online resource…).
→ Read more Category: econometrics
Econlinks for 18-10-’07
On (speed) dating preferences (in USA): some old stereotypes reconfirmed but also some news. Here’s the full paper (Fisman et al, QJE 2006) on which the Slate article linked above is based.
Econometrics: A few reasons to use Ox over Gauss
…though I am definitely going to try Gauss as well and learn it better than I know it at the moment (and I certainly think one should try many programming languages; each of them could have particular comparative advantages in specific routines etc.).
→ Read more Best thing I’ve read in the last couple of weeks
….is John Rust’s Comments on Michael Keane’s “Structural vs. Atheoretic Approaches to Econometrics“. Perhaps too strong in some parts (though I can understand why), but simply great overall (inter alia, possibly the best defence of structural econometrics I’ve seen so far- for sure the clearest and most concise one).
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