… is all what Magnus Carlsen needed in order to win against Topalov. Wonderful, wonderful, we love it! The kid is back in the game (while, surprinsingly, Topalov has lost two consecutive games since I last praised him…).
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Carlsen should do better
After three rounds in the first leg of the Linares-Morelia tournament (the most powerful chess tournament of this year), the Norwegian wonderkid is not yet shining. Standings and results so far can be seen here (with at least one mistake on the site: Topalov’s total number of points is 2.5, after 2 victories and 1 draw, and not 2.0).
→ Read more Watch for Magnus…
Carlsen won the Corus Grandmaster Group A, as I hoped (totally compensating for his being last in the same top group, last year). His win was jointly with Levon Aronian, one of the three winners of 2007’s Corus GM A.
→ Read more Quiz: White to move and mate in 2 moves

Quote for week 13th to 19th of Jan ’08
→ Read more[…]The gift of early insight into chess or math or music is often also accompanied by a growing obsession with those activities, simply because of the wonders of connection and invention that unfold in the young mind.