Econlinks: The applied maths edition

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What I have been reading

A couple of books I have read within the past few weeks, most of them on my Kindle 3G device(*):
Scott Berkun’s “Confessions of a Public Speaker” (get the Kindle edition): the author is a professional speaker, in front of audiences large and small, hence he has got some very helpful tips for anyone who ever needs to engage in public speaking, mostly drawn from his own experiences.
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Sondheim, Burton, Depp and Rickman’s “Pretty Women”

I tend to watch great movies with a considerable delay…, but then again, my feeling is that I get to appreciate them much more in this way, aside all the initial hype and the turmoil associated with a new release (an auxiliary gain is that I can discard– without having to go through the pain of actually watching them– a lot of movies which were released with high expectations, only to turn out total flops, hence really what remains is above average or, in the best case, excellent).
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