markets in everything edition: The Economist presents the black market for corpse brides in China; the truly nasty problem is that it comes with some scary incentives, given the scarcity of bridal corpses…
1028 is the number of US economists that signed the recent petition against the (expected) Congress protectionist moves (link with the Dems general race-to-the-bottom economic policies that I was recently blogging about). The same number of US economists signed a very similar petition, against President Hoover’s trade policies, just before The Great Depression- I guess you know then how succesful that petition was… Via Greg Mankiw.
talking about incentives: why would one have sex with a prostitute? Well, here’s something I would call a decent (pretty honest?) answer: “I visited a prostitute for one obvious, practical reason and another less so: I’m sick of lying to women. Being single and in my 30s, I find it increasingly difficult to justify the lies and manipulation involved in having a sexual relationship with women who I’m not in love with.” Read more.
It did take him 36 years, but the former QUEEN guitarist still handed in his PhD dissertation before me … though his is in astronomy, piece of cake in other words :-). In any case, it remains to be established whether Brian May’s comparative advantage lies in music or in scientific research…
Anything that satisfies you, M&M :-). I do express my skepticism, though, with reference to what the thesis of May would mean for the history of astronomy research, when compared to what the music of QUEEN meant for the history of music…<BR/><BR/>PS. He did not get the PhD title just as yet, remember that :-).They will still evaluate the thesis. Talking about that, I wonder whether he mentions
Wow wow wow! Brian May QUEEN PhD. He’s got you now :)<BR/>MM.