Creationisti semidocti si (posibile) influente in invatamant

Un post excelent al lui Tihi, care ma scuteste de la prea multe comentarii pe aceeasi frecventa.

Deci voi face doar doua observatii complementare celor scrise de Tihi mai sus:

  • Nu cred ca e vorba de “prostie” per se (vedeti mostra de umor grotesc de care vorbeste si Tihamer: chiar am urmarit, in mai multe reprize, toata jumatatea de ora- in plus e plin de asemenea esantioane pe YouTube; a propos, nu e vorba de a te enerva, eventual de a compatimi actorii din context, if anything…).
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Movie scene for week 22nd to 28th of April: “Are you a dreamer?”, from “Waking Life”

This week goes perfectly with one of my favourite scenes from one of my favourite movies ever, Waking Life. As you might recall, this movie is in my (current) very top 5 and it has high chances of hanging up there for a long while… I also dedicated an entire post to this movie some time ago.
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