Vote for the most annoying sound!

This is a very interesting scientific experiment designed to find out which noise people find most horrible. To be honest I’ve heard much nastier ones, but some of these will do as well: just put the sound at maximum when you listen to them… The site has also some interesting facts about sounds and what makes for a bad sound and the like.  → Read more

Studiu olandez despre comunitatea rroma din Romania

O teza de master extrem de interesanta a fost acceptata anul acesta la Departamentul de Antropologie al Universitatii din Nijmegen, Olanda. Cu cativa ani in urma am ajutat-o pe Lonneke Roodnat sa intre in legatura cu ONG-urile rroma din Cluj, avand totusi un rol minim pana la urma, pentru ca ea singura a intrat in legatura mai tarziu cu grupurile respective din Bucuresti.
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